Friday, October 29, 2010

My knit cap.

Knit a funky 1950's style cap

So I searched high and low for a good cap that isn’t too warm but warm enough. Something that looks a bit like something in a magazine. I couldn’t find one so I made it. I had already done one like this before and I am using those pics right now but I will be posting a picture of my cap tomorrow if you want to check it out.

Right now posting pictures of this tutorial. This tutorial is already published by me on instructables. But I thought I would share it with you here too. This will also be published onto my other blog. Which, if you follow me on blog lovin, you will be see it under my user name.


I followed a pattern that i found in one of my grandma's diaries.

Here is the easiest version of the instructions.
Required things:
Two balls of yarn (lightweight cotton) in two different colours
Circular needle size 4
Regular needles size 7
Yarn needle
Measuring tape


Measure and start

Measure yourself around the head (Look at pics to see where to measure)
My head measured 20 inches so i cast on 74 stitches and this fit perfectly. So please calculate accordingly (I am bad at maths)
Cast on 74 stitches on the size 7 needles and do the rib stitch for about 6 to 8 rows (1 inch).


Increase stitches

Transfer the knitting to the circular needles using one last line of rib stitch.
Now start increasing the stitches in the following order:
Increase ten stitches every alternate row in the rib stitch. after about 3 inches stop increasing the stitches and continue just like that.
(Increase the stitches in the knit stitch.....Knit one stitch, instead of pulliong the stitch off, enter the same stitch purlwise and purl one stitch. Now continue as you would after pulling the stitch off)



Now switch to the stockinette stitch. While knitting follow this pattern.
r1 knit 4, knit 2 together
purl all
r3 knit 3 and then knit 2 together
knit 2 and two together
knit 1 and then 2 together
knit 2 together.
At this point the knitting should start curling which is what gives shape to the cap!



Finishing off

Cut off a good length of the yarn and thread it through the remaining stitches and pull them tight and tie a knot. Now turn the cap inside out (thee pattern should be the same throughout on the outside)
stitch the side. turn it out and now.....
Voila.... your 1950's style cap is ready.



Saturday, October 16, 2010

I’ve almost learnt how to mesh

From the looks of it, it seems like I've learnt how to mesh. Well, I copied off a tutorial from TheSimSupply website or youtube. Don’t remember which. That’s not important though. What is important is that I am really really awesome because all i know about computers is email, social networking sites, google things and play sims 3. Also not to forget, watch inu yasha. So when I found out that i actually achieved it I didn’t believe it and tested it in game more than a few times. But here it is. My first ever non beginner computer thingy for sims 3.
It is only a mesh modification of the existing EA mesh but still, if i can do this more things are to come right? Right. So, here goes.
Screenshot-42  Screenshot-40Screenshot-43
Yes Yes, I know it isn’t very impressive but I'm patting myself on the back nonetheless. You can download this file here or at TSR and my user name on TSR is vasuchiyertra. Please do comment and let me know what you think. TC.
Follow my blog with bloglovin

Friday, October 15, 2010

VC Green Grounds Sims 3 lot

This is a residential lot that I worked on after seeing a house in some architectural magazine. Help back by lack of real life construction options in sims 3 (it is a game after all) I modified to what is not the VC (stands for Vasu Chiuertra not very Chic) well anyway to the VC Green Grounds. Here it is. I have already uploaded it onto TSR and you guys can check it out there. I also have it available here if you wanna check it out.

I am posting pictures. Please comment.

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I will be posting the link to the TSR here.

The price furnished is 155247 and unfurnished is 85471. It is 30/30 and it has 3 bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms. it is furnished throughout and decorated throughout. No CC has been used.


WOuld appreciate it if you guys comment and let me know what you think!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Inu Yasha obsession goes to new heights!

Ok! So I’m not tech savvy and I’m certainly not someone who can grasp things easily when it comes to meshing and suchlike. SO with the minimal software knowledge that I have. ANd with tutorials on TSR and with the TSR workshop and my good friend photoshop, I made a bunch of custom paintings (under decor) for sims 3 with Inu Yasha. YAY!
SO I present to you the INu Yasha singles paintings. Singles as in single people. Later will come the couples and then the rivals and such like. AS of now I have checked the singles and they are working.
I’m gonna start with the entire pack for those who want it and then single packs for those who want to download selectively.
Screenshot-15 Screenshot-17
Those are the pieces that cpome in the .rar file that you can download here.
As for the singles. You can get them here.
Inu yasha sitting:
Inu Yasha
Please click on the image to see a clearer image and click the title to download.
Kilala and sango
I hope you like these. Please leave me a comment. Thanks!
I also have a couple of lots that are gonna be put up in a couple of days. Follow if you want more news.One of the houses I made is available here. Please do check it out and comment.